- Loss Spirit Remedy Blend
Loss Spirit Remedy Blend
This intuited blend is intended to support your grieving process. Which may also include anger or a myriad of other feelings. I also encourage you to find other ways to process, through sounding, ceremony, art, journaling, counseling, etc.
1. Bitter Root ('No Pick' Essence) Renewal, Crown Opener, Grounding, Detox, Support for Lightworkers, All Chakras.
2. Ring of Cedars – Wisdom, Anger, Stillness, Agitation, Strength, Protection.
3. 1st Chakra – Root
*Barrett's Penstemon - Growth, Removing the Veils.
*Trillium (aka Birthroot) - Singing Your Song, Divine Feminine, Rebirth, Purity, Innocence,Triple Goddess, Renewal, Cleansing, Forgiveness.
*Oak (Spring Equinox) - Personal Power, Strength, Grounding, Support.
4. Spider Lily (Hawa'ii) - Divine Feminine, Divine Mother, Crown Opener, Cosmic Energy, Awareness, Purity, Expansion, Receptivity.
5. Columbia Desert Parsley ('No Pick' Essence) Play, Lightness, Surrender, Kidney/Heart Connection, Light Heart, Self Love, Nervousness, Heart and Throat Chakra.
.5 oz