Dear Lorin,
You are a most wonderful and gifted Healer. Your Healing Flower Essences are truly amazing! The result of taking your ' magic remedies is that I have not only TOTALLY LOST MY FEAR OF FLYING, but I have become to love it! To be a part of the Element of Air, is the most wonderful feeling. Thank you, thank you so much. Jo Crutchfield, Sussex, England
''Your essences are truly AMAZING!! I have just received my first 'batch' and I feel them working their vibrational magic instantly. I am so looking forward to expanding my collection!" Cara Lo Iacono, Melbourne, Australia
"Hi Lorin,
I just wanted to thank you for the (Wild Rose of Venus) Essence - it is just beautiful and lots of other things that I don't have the words to describe! You can feel the pure essence of the Essence(!) just holding it! I love it and loved how it was beautifully presented. I will be recommending your essences to all...
Thank you & much love." ~Julie United Kingdom
This is a personal Intuited blend to support you in life. For where you are and where you're heading.
You'll receive a copy of all the Essences and their support included with your special blend.
.5 oz
Helps you to Step into Your Power and Acknowledge Your Unique Gifts and Qualities. Opens you to Transformation through Alchemy.
.5 oz
Balsamorhiza sagittata -
Owning Your Power. Balancing Your Solar/Masculine Energy. Personal Strength for areas that are Lacking. Self Confidence.
Triteleia grandiflora ssp. howellii
Release – emotionally, relationships, beliefs and behaviors. Gentle, Healing, Loving Support while you allow unacknowledged or unresolved Grief to surface. Helps bring Balance, particularly for the Masculine/Feminine.
.5 oz
Lotus corniculatus
Opens your Solar Plexus and helps you to radiate Joy. Living in Prosperity, Inner Strength and knowing your Self-Worth.
.5 oz
Lewisia rediviva ('No Pick' Essence)
Brings a sense of Renewal, Helps you feel Grounded, Assists in Detoxing – physically and emotionally.
.5 oz
Sanguinaria canadensis - Appalachia (No Pick Essence with Lunarized Full Moon water)
It was my desire to craft a 'no pick' essence, (which they confirmed their preference for) yet since they're a short blooming flower, I was able to gather freshly released petals and add that to the water as the Essence activated. What was interesting to notice were the shifting formations the 4 petals took on without the presence of any wind.
Blood Root Spirit Essence aids you with the Ability to Speak your Needs - particularly during Confrontations. She helps you attune to your innate Wisdom. Connects you to Guidance from your Spirit Keepers/Shaman/nesses. Brings Clarity to 'Seeing' the Truth of a situation, separate from any inner or outer influences. Connects you to the Blood of Gaia and Our InterConnectedness to Her.
Opens you to hearing and sharing your unique Spirit Songs.
.5 oz
Ranunculus occidentalis
Helps you to give sweetness to yourself. Gently soothes your nervous system, helps you feel safe and secure.
.5 oz
Camassia quamash
Reprograms old thought patterns, reminds you of the ancient ways. Recalibrates you on a cellular level.
.5 oz
She helps you to Unfurl your Wings and Allow yourself to Trust and Soar!
She helps you to Shine in the World with Boldness, Confidence and Grace.
Opening more to Joy and Dance. Awakening Powerful Sexual Shakti!
Opening your Root (1st Chakra) and Connecting Downwards to Gaia.
.5 oz
Amethyst is a Wayshower, guiding you to deeper aspects of yourself and your Divine purpose.
.5 oz
This was the longest an Essence has 'sat' in process.
It's a Powerful Crystal with Angelic Energies. It was created with a potent, alchemical and sacred geometric charged water that I also activated with specific frequencies.
Helps you move through Shadow work and access higher dimensions. It's a potent opener for channeling and clearing the veils. May be used for astral travel.
If you have a challenge staying in your body, I recommend taking a Tree Spirit Essence with this one.
.5 oz
This was hand gathered by me just down the road from where I lived in NC.
Always asked their permission and thanked.
Black Kyanite is a Gatekeeper and Teacher. It bridges Shadow into the Light to be seen, loved and acknowledged..
Portal Keeper. You can tap into other dimensions. Reveals hidden aspects of yourself yet to be seen and/or acknowledged.
A bridge to what you want to remember and where you want to go. .
.5 oz
I was guided to use lunarized water from the Leo Full Moon (2.14) and this mineral essence sat out under starlight and a rising crescent moon.
Clears Fear, Shame and Worry, Helps Guide us to our Soul Purpose, Connects us to the Cosmic Womb, Moves energy towards the Descending Flow of the Feminine, Clears the physical, mental and energetic bodies.
.05 oz
Being Safely Held and Nurtured, Softening our Protective Armour, Gentleness with Ourselves and Others, Opening to Trust.
.5 oz
Vogel and Starbrary Quartz
Brings Clarity and Awareness and helps you step outside of yourself and be the Observer. Expands and Energetically Opens your body, Magnifies what needs to be Seen, Crown Opener.
.5 oz
This was activated under the Full Moon AKA 'Pink Moon' or 'Blood' Moon because of the Eclipse.
Connecting to the Heartbeat of Gaia, Velvet Darkness of Creation and Possibilities, Swirling Magnetic Energy within Your Womb, Guides you to Connect with Animal Totems, Richness, Sacred Release – Physically and Emotionally.
.5 oz
Such a perfect stone essence to support you right now as we embark upon our Highest Visions for ourselves and the Collective.
She supports you to:
*Magnify your Radiance in All aspects of our life. Particularly if you are stepping out in new ways to Shine your Light and Sacred Gifts.
*Loving Your Imperfections - Your Shadow and Light. Knowing you Are Perfect as You are Now and being Present in the Now.
*Clear Understanding and Insights to make Choices for your Highest Vision. This is a fabulous Stone Essence to take before Visioning and Shamanic Journeys.
*Connecting to your Brilliance and Unique Gifts. Attunes you to your Dreams for your Life. Knowing you are here to share something Unique with the world.
.5 oz
Helps you move through fear and triggers.
Grounding effects of the Tree Kingdom.
Insight into knowing yourself in intimate ways.
Crafted under the potent Blue Moon and Venus Retrograde
Labradorite helps you in Clear Seeing - in your Life, Situations and in Others Motives. She helps you have Discernment. She helps you Enhance your Psychic Awareness and Vision. She helps you Balance your Emotions and Helps you Access your Emotional Truth and Integrity.
.5 oz
(Double Lunarized water – Leo Full Moon 2.14 and Virgo Full Moon)
Opens the Downward Feminine Flow of Energy, Awakens the Primal Body, Isis, Black Panther energy, Star Light and Lunar Energy, Portal between worlds, Regal energy, Connection to the Galactic Center.
.05 oz
I worked with this Elder Apple tree that lives on the land where I am and it was one of the most magical processes yet!
Deep communion with with Self and All that Is. Nourishing to body + spirit. Abundance.
Access to your multi-dimensional self.
.5 oz
Holds deep wisdom, helps you to connect to and let go of anger and agitation, particularly when you've been avoiding it. Reminds you to take time for stillness and reflection, offers courage and fortitude, protection towards the subtle negative energies of unhealthy relationships.
.05 oz
This remedy came in quick from Spirit and was actually aligned before I even heard the call!
Pink Kunzite Essence crafted under the Pink Full Moon and Cherry Blossoms came in to hold space while in process. That's Never happened. As soon as I stepped inside, the Magnficent Cherry Tree Being spoke to me and told me to add Her to the Blend. I already had plans to meet her the next day.
The support that came through for me when I sat with this remedy:
Hope. Possibility. Resurrection of Life and Vitality. Grace. Fortitude. Unwavering Protection.
Uplifts the heart. Radical Communion with the Divine Essence and Truth of your Soul Calling. Feminine Rising. Power, Strength and Certainty to longer Fear, but to Shine in ALL your Glory and Power! Mystical Gifts and Wisdom.
Support for grief
Reminds you of your connection to the web of life
Brings us back to the pure energy of innocence
Opens the Crown Chakra
Infinite blessings
.5 oz
Boundaries. Protection. Expressing where our sexual boundaries lie. And sometimes that's something we need to figure out.. Hawthorn supports us setting clear boundaries in All our relationships. She nurtures our heart and helps us to know when to say No. Hawthorn will also help you move through grief and heartache, helping to uplift you and reassure that you will trust again. She is an all around wonderful ally to have on hand.
.5 oz
Arbutus menziesi
Assists you during Transformations and Transitions, carries the energy of Grace as you Evolve and experience New Beginnings.
.5 oz
Ecstatic Union with Self and All that Is.
Connecting to your Network of Support.
Heightened Perception.
Happiness. Play.
.5 oz
Quercus garryanna (Spring Equinox)
Sacred and revered. Oak carries ancient messages, reminding us that we carry the imprint of the Tree of Life. Personal Power, Strength, Grounding, Support.
.5 oz
Created with Lunarized water from the Leo Full Moon
Supports you with Rebirth and Renewal, Helps you to Open to Magical Possibilities, Carries the frequency of Innocence and experiencing Sweetness in Life.
.5 oz
She is the Grand Mother Tree and holds the records of many lifetimes which you can recall and access.
She holds the records of the earth. The primordial codes to access realms beyond the here and now. The language of the Unseen and Known.
Redwood helps you to know yourself on the deepest levels.
To receive attunements for your specific soul essence.
Mother Love.
Felling safely held and comforted.
Protection for your child heart self.
She creates a realm for daydreaming.
Clear Quartz from Arkansas encoded with Redwood frequency.
Activated and charged spring water.
.5 oz cobalt glass
This is the area where the Sacred Medicine was gathered by Don Elijio Panti, an honored curendero, who mentored Dr. Rosita Arvigo, author, lecturer, teacher of Mayan Abdominal Massage and plant wisdom among other crowning accomplishments.
I called in the 9 Mayan Spirits, the Flora and Fauna, especially the medicinal ones, the Elements and Earth energy.
Grounded support from the medicinal plants of this forest, Flow and Freedom to follow your own guidance and path, connects you to the Web of Life, Knowing Gaia's love, Ancestral Connection, Healing on All Levels, Healing from Plants, Ceremony, Vision Quests.
.5 oz
This is my maiden Essence, created on my birthday, on top of the temple of this very powerful and sacred ancient city. I called in the 9 Mayan Spirits, the flora/fauna of the land, animals and elements, the energy and power of the city and as I muscle tested for it having “taken” I received my strong validation and immediately afterwards, a storm moved in and started raining. It was a potent and magical experience for me and reconnected me to one of my paths.
Knowing our Divine Connection, living the mantra: I Receive and I Allow, Opening to your greatest potential. Viewing circumstances in a new light.
.5 oz
0Ixora coccinea
Helps you connect to your passions and creativity, assisting you to unlock your full and wild sexuality and preferences. Helps you move through the fear of the unknown as you embark upon new beginnings and cycling out the old of what no longer feeds, supports and sustains you. Living a more joyful life with fiery presence.
I've recently learned that she's also used in Ayurveda.
.5 oz
Plumeria rubra
Self-Love, Knowing and walking in Beauty, Heart Opener, Inner Peace, Trusting in Yourself.
.5 oz
The Flora understand the 5 Elements and know how to clear and heal on that level as well. This inclusive set of all 5 Element fusions allows you to work on a myriad of levels for insight and healing.
(5) - .05 oz bottles
Fireweed speaks with the Support of Pele to help you Surrender and Release what you're ready to Heal and Let Go of so you may Allow New Beginnings in your Life. Support to help you Heal your Wounds of the Heart and Open again with Trust. The Medicine of Fire assists you to Create Alchemical Shifts to Transmute your Pain.
.5 oz
This was crafted under the falling Perseid Meteor shower outside of Portland, Oregon. This is a Crystal Grid Spirit Essence.
Renews Circulatory System, Awakens Kundalini and brings Healing to our Energetic and Cellular Body, Magnetic Energy, Living Brightly and Boldly, carries the energy of the Perseids.
.5 oz
Crafted next to the Salmon River in Mt Hood NF in Oregon, this Spirit Essence helps you feel nurtured and allow healing energy and support for your physical and emotional bodies. It's cleansing and assists in releasing emotional wounds, evolving in your personal journey, rebirth and renewal.
.5 oz
I was along a river outside of Portland. There were diving raptors and various birds at play and feeding.
The wind whispered an instant before it touched me...All while this essence was in process.
Helps to Heal the Wounds of the Heart. Opens Your Heart to Greater Amounts of Love and Bliss!, Helps to Open the Connection between your Heart and Throat.
.5 oz