" I recently ordered some of your blends and elixirs... Oh my gosh, so amazing!! They are so filled with beautiful energy and I have experienced powerful shifts and pure joy working with them. I just wanted to thank you for what you do and for putting so much love into your work. You will have a customer for life! Many blessings." Christina, CA
"I can personally speak to the effectiveness of this Sacred Medicine. It was most certainly this that brought on the healing I needed - I had been doing all the other stuff and things were slowly getting better, but when I got this Medicine in the mail a rapid healing unfolded. I was intuitively guided to Lorin and the reason I chose her is because all her Medicines are made ceremonially with permission from the Plant Spirits. So Powerful."
~ Kristen A. Victoria, B.C. Canada
This is a personal Intuited blend to support you in life. For where you are and where you're heading.
You'll receive a copy of all the Essences and their support included with your special blend.
.5 oz
This beautiful intuited blend helps soften, heal and open your heart towards yourself and others.
Mimosa Flower + Tree Essence - Ecstatic Union with Self and All that Is.
Connecting to your Network of Support.
Heightened Perception.
Happiness. Play.
Rose Quartz Spirit Essence - Helps with Heart Healing. Having Compassion for yourself and others. Greater Self-Love. The Energy of the Divine Mother. Softens the Edges that Protect your Heart. Living from the Heart.
Lepidolite MicaSpirit Essence - Allows the heart to flutter open with hope. Reflects your inner beauty. Gently opens your heart. Compassion for Self, then you may offer compassion to others.
.5 oz
Perfect for when you want to Honor a New Chapter in your life, Invoke your Guides & Ancestors, Connect deeply to yourself or any other time you feel called to work with this intuited energetic remedy.
* Ruby in Zoisite Spirit Essence - Lunar water from Spring Equinox
Magnetically Draws Abundance into your Life, Blossoming into your Gifts and True Essence, Sacred Union, Finding Balance, Vibrancy.
* Ixora Spirit Essence (Hawa'ii) - Helps you connect to your passions and creativity, assisting you to unlock your full and wild sexuality and preferences. Helps you move through the fear of the unknown as you embark upon new beginnings and cycling out the old of what no longer feeds, supports and sustains you. Living a more joyful life with fiery passion
* Apple Tree Spirit Essence (from an elder tree that lives on the land where I used to live in N.C.)
Deep communion with self and All that Is. Nourishing to body + spirit. Abundance. Accessing your Multi-Dimensional Self. Helps you access portals to other dimensions.
* Bloodroot (No Pick) Spirit Essence (Appalachian Mountains) Crafted with Lunarized Full Moon water.
Restores you and offers Nourishing Care and Rest during Intense Transitions. Activates your Ability to Speak your Needs - particularly during Confrontations. Wisdom. Guidance from your Spirit Keepers/Shaman/nesses. 'Seeing' the Truth of a situation. Connects you to the Blood of Gaia/Our InterConnectedness to Her. Spirit Songs.
* 2nd Chakra Blend - *Ixora (Hawa'ii ) - Helps you connect to your passions and creativity, assisting you to unlock your full and wild sexuality and preferences. Helps you move through the fear of the unknown as you embark upon new beginnings and cycling out the old of what no longer feeds, supports and sustains you. Living a more joyful life with fiery presence. *Bi-Colored Cluster Lily - Release – emotionally, relationships, beliefs and behaviors. Gentle, Healing, Loving Support while you allow unacknowledged or unresolved Grief to surface. Helps bring Balance, particularly for the Masculine/Feminine.*Harvest Brodiaea (Summer Solstice) - Remembering Who You Are, Connection to Source/God/dess, Psychic Opener of Vision and Gifts.
.5 oz
In the midst of my own intensity, I was inspired to intuit a blend to support all of us sensitive souls. This is perfect support for empaths, tenderness, huge healing transitions, life transitions and feeling the weight of the world...
Water Element – Salmonberry Essence | Salmon River – Nurturing, Healing Energy and Support for our Physical and Emotional bodies. Cleansing, Releasing Emotional Wounds, Evolving, Rebirth, Renewal.
Flowering Pear - Rebirth, Renewal, Opening to Magical Possibilities, Innocence, Sweetness in Life and Offers Us Sustaining Support.
Peridot – Opens Creative Channels and Attunes you to your Potential, helps you to Speak with Clarity, Fertile Energy to Birth Ideas, Projects, Dreams or a Child, Opens Your Voice, Raises Your Vibration.
Lepidolite Mica – Allows the heart to flutter open with hope. Reflects your inner beauty. Gently opens your heart. Compassion for yourself, then you may offer compassion to others.
Fire Element – Fireweed Flower Essence | Pele – Fireweed speaks with the Support of Pele to help you Surrender and Release what you're ready to Heal and Let Go of so you may Allow New Beginnings in your Life. Support to help you Heal your Wounds of the Heart and Open again with Trust. The Medicine of Fire assists you to Create Alchemical Shifts to Transmute your Pain.
Checker Lily ('No Pick' Essence) – She helps you feel safe and supported by life. Can help shift any feelings of jealousy. Cleanses and clears the energetic pathways of the body. Having your needs met. Grounding into Gaia. Connecting to the interal grid of the earth.
St. Johns Wort - Protection, Safety, 3rd Chakra, Cosmic Connection, Blood Purifier, Joy and Comfort.
Flowering Dogwood - Helps you to Clear your Blocks and Resistance to Allow yourself to Open to Receiving, Connecting to 'the Breath of Life' which Reminds Us we're part of the Web of Life, Releasing Grief, Opens our Crown Chakra, Infinite Blessings, Pure Innocence.
.5 oz
*Apple – Deep communion with self and All that Is. Nourishing to body + spirit. Abundance. Accessing your multi-Dimensional Self.
* Larkspur - Playfulness, helps you to create new patterns, Opens your Throat Chakra to speak more loving to yourself and others, Freedom for relationships and circumstances that have restricted you.
* Growth
*Wind Element | Foxglove Essence – Heart Healing, Physically and Emotionally. Expands Your Heart Chakra for Greater Amounts of Love and Bliss!, Similar Energy to Rose Quartz, but the Energy Moves Up from Heart to Throat. *Chrysoprase - Being Safely Held and Nurtured, Softening our Protective Armour, Gentleness with Ourselves and Others, Opening to Trust. *Balsamroot - Owning Your Power. Balancing Your Solar/Masculine Energy. Personal Strength for areas that are Lacking. Self Confidence. *Ixora (Hawa'ii) - Helps you connect to your passions and creativity, assisting you to unlock your full and wild sexuality and preferences. Helps you move through the fear of the unknown as you embark upon new beginnings and cycling out the old of what no longer feeds, supports and sustains you. Living a more joyful life with fiery presence. *Metal Element – Crystal Matrix + Perseid Meteors– Circulation, Awakens Kundalini Energy, Magnetic Energy. *Larkspur - Playfulness, helps you to create new patterns, Opens your Throat Chakra to speak more loving to yourself and others, Freedom for relationships and circumstances that have restricted you.
* Monkey Flower - Happiness, Opening more to the Flow of Life, Living a more Joyful Life, Releasing the 'Mask' and revealing who you truly are, Connecting more to Community.
*Clear Quartz – Vogel and Starbrary Quartz – Brings Clarity and Awareness and helps you step outside of yourself and be the Observer. Expands and Energetically Opens your body, Magnifies what needs to be Seen, Crown Opener.
* 1st Chakra – Root
*Barrett's Penstemon - Perseverance to continue on and grow during challenging times.
*Trillium - Singing Your Song, Triple Goddess, Renewal, Cleansing, Forgiveness.
*Oak (Spring Equinox) - Carries Ancient Messages, Personal Power, Strength, Grounding, Support.
.5 oz
* Black Kyanite – Gateway. Teacher. Bridges Shadow to Light. Portal Keeper. Reveals hidden aspects of yourself yet to be seen and/or acknowledged. Bridge to what you want to remember.
* Self- Heal – Offers softness to soothe our pain of self judgment and criticism. Our physical pain and wounds, our emotional pain of longing and seeking nurture and love. She calms us with her loving presence and helps us heal on every level. Allowing us to cleanse and release unhealthy thoughts and feelings towards ourselves and others. Connects you to your Shadow Self to integrate and heal. Clears Guilt and Heals Abuse, whether personally experienced or within your lineage.
* Buttercup – Helps you to give sweetness to yourself. Gently soothes your nervous system, helps you feel safe and secure.
* Spider Lily (Hawa'ii) – Receiving the purity of the Divine Feminine, Expanding your comfort zone and exploring new interests.
* Flowering Pear - Rebirth, Renewal, Opening to Magical Possibilities, Innocence, Sweetness in Life and Offers Us Sustaining Support.
* Wind Element – Foxglove Flower Essence | Wind – Heart Healing, Physically and Emotionally. Expands Your Heart Chakra for Greater Amounts of Love and Bliss!, Similar Energy to Rose Quartz, but the Energy Moves Up from Heart to Throat.
.5 oz
1. Pungent Desert Parsley - Connecting to all that you're grateful for, Heals and clears Abandonment.
2. Balsamroot - Owning Your Power. Balancing Your Solar/Masculine Energy. Personal Strength for areas that are Lacking. Self Confidence.
3. Pink Plumeria (Hawa'ii) - Self-Love, Knowing and walking in Beauty, Heart Opener, Inner Peace, Trusting in Yourself.
4.“Clearing” Blend
5. Yellow Bells – Helps you allow Transparency in your actions and words, Supports you in connecting to any resistance and allowing yourself to connect to your True Essence, Draws Opportunities.
6. Monkey Flower – Happiness, Opening more to the Flow of Life, Living a more Joyful Life, Releasing the 'Mask' and revealing who you truly are, Connecting more to Community.
7. Columbine – Living your Highest Potential, Creative Energy, Shining Your Unique Light, Honoring Yourself.
.5 oz
This intuited blend is intended to support your grieving process. Which may also include anger or a myriad of other feelings. I also encourage you to find other ways to process, through sounding, ceremony, art, journaling, counseling, etc.
1. Bitter Root ('No Pick' Essence) Renewal, Crown Opener, Grounding, Detox, Support for Lightworkers, All Chakras.
2. Ring of Cedars – Wisdom, Anger, Stillness, Agitation, Strength, Protection.
3. 1st Chakra – Root
*Barrett's Penstemon - Growth, Removing the Veils.
*Trillium (aka Birthroot) - Singing Your Song, Divine Feminine, Rebirth, Purity, Innocence,Triple Goddess, Renewal, Cleansing, Forgiveness.
*Oak (Spring Equinox) - Personal Power, Strength, Grounding, Support.
4. Spider Lily (Hawa'ii) - Divine Feminine, Divine Mother, Crown Opener, Cosmic Energy, Awareness, Purity, Expansion, Receptivity.
5. Columbia Desert Parsley ('No Pick' Essence) Play, Lightness, Surrender, Kidney/Heart Connection, Light Heart, Self Love, Nervousness, Heart and Throat Chakra.
.5 oz
An intuited Spirit Essence Blend of Hawthorne, Cedar, Jet, Snowflake Obsidian and Phantom Orchid created for those who are highly sensitive and empathic and/or those needing strong protective boundaries to feel safe.
Topical Spray with organic essential oils is available too in a 1 oz glass spray bottle
.5 oz
This blend was downloaded to me shortly after moving to the Appalachian mountains in 2013. These are the oldest mountains on Earth and contain one of the highest diversities of stones (crystals + gems) as well as many vortexes.
This Vibrational Remedy will support all of the influx of higher energies being transmitted, as well as the shifts you're going through.
1. Checker Lily - ('No Pick' Essence) Heals your system and helps you feel safe and supported by life. Connects you to the Internal Grid of Earth and the Womb of Gaia. Having your Needs Met.
2. Barrett's Penstemon - Growth, Removing the Veils, Branching out to a New Paradigm of Love.
3. Phantom Orchid - Opens the Door to Mystery, Helps to Clear Blocks by transmitting a high frequency white healing light, Honoring the Sacred in All Beings and Elements, reconnecting the lost aspects of your soul.
4. 12-21-12 Solstice Blend – (There are a total of 8 singles and blends within this.)
5. Rose Quartz - Helps with Heart Healing. Having Compassion for yourself and others. Greater Self-Love. The Energy of the Divine Feminine. Helps you to Soften the Edges of Protections that don't Support you. Living from the Heart.
6. Black Kyanite - Is a Gatekeeper and Teacher. It bridges Shadow to Light. Portal Keeper. Reveals hidden aspects of yourself yet to be seen and/or acknowledged. Bridge to what you want to remember.
.5 oz
This remedy came in quick from Spirit and was actually aligned before I even heard the call!
Pink Kunzite Essence crafted under the Pink Full Moon and Cherry Blossoms came in to hold space while in process. That's Never happened. As soon as I stepped inside, the Magnficent Cherry Tree Being spoke to me and told me to add Her to the Blend. I already had plans to meet her the next day.
The support that came through for me when I sat with this remedy:
Hope. Possibility. Resurrection of Life and Vitality. Grace. Fortitude. Unwavering Protection.
Uplifts the heart. Radical Communion with the Divine Essence and Truth of your Soul Calling. Feminine Rising. Power, Strength and Certainty to longer Fear, but to Shine in ALL your Glory and Power! Mystical Gifts and Wisdom.
Perfect for when you're in your head too much, stressed or have trouble being present in your body.
An intuitive spirit essence blend of
* Bitterroot Flower Essence
* Black Tourmaline Essence
* Oak Tree Essence
* Wood Element (a Spirit Essence of Mt Hood NF with the influence of Gaia)
*Garnet Essence
.5 oz
"I was just looking back at what was in the (custom) blend the other day out of curiosity. In retrospect, I couldn't believe how they have become even more relevant to me than I understood them to be when I first received the essence. I knew it was magic, I resonated with what was in my blend, but then after that whole purge and cleaning binge along with a couple of other emotional crises I feel like it has still unfolded all this time... I was literally just looking at the descriptions of the essences in the blend and in awe of what I was reading and how it was so right on!" - Christa, Asheville, NC
*Barrett's Penstemon - Perseverance to continue on and grow during challenging times.
*Trillium - Singing Your Song, Triple Goddess, Renewal, Cleansing, Forgiveness.
*Oak (Spring Equinox) - Carries Ancient Messages, Personal Power, Strength, Grounding, Support.
.5 oz
*Ixora (Hawa'ii ) - Helps you connect to your passions and creativity, assisting you to unlock your full and wild sexuality and preferences. Helps you move through the fear of the unknown as you embark upon new beginnings and cycling out the old of what no longer feeds, supports and sustains you. Living a more joyful life with fiery presence.
*Bi-Colored Cluster Lily - Release – emotionally, relationships, beliefs and behaviors. Gentle, Healing, Loving Support while you allow unacknowledged or unresolved Grief to surface. Helps bring Balance, particularly for the Masculine/Feminine.
*Harvest Brodiaea (Summer Solstice) - Remembering Who You Are, Connection to Source/God/dess, Psychic Opener of Vision and Gifts.
.5 oz
*Balsamroot - Owning Your Power. Balancing Your Solar/Masculine Energy. Personal Strength for areas that are Lacking. Self Confidence.
*Buttercup - Helps you to give sweetness to yourself. Gently soothes your nervous system, helps you feel safe and secure.
*Spider Lily – (Hawa'ii) - Self-Love, Knowing and walking in Beauty, Heart Opener, Inner Peace, Trusting in Yourself.
*Clear Quartz – Vogel and Starbrary Quartz - Brings Clarity and Awareness and helps you step outside of yourself and be the Observer. Expands and Energetically Opens your body, Magnifies what needs to be Seen, Crown Opener.
.5 oz
*Foxglove Essence – Wind Element – Heart Healing, Physically and Emotionally. Expands Your Heart Chakra for Greater Amounts of Love and Bliss!, Similar Energy to Rose Quartz, but the Energy Moves Up from Heart to Throat.
*Don Elijio National Park (Belize) - Grounded support from the medicinal plants of this forest, Flow and Freedom to follow your own guidance and path, connects you to the Web of Life, Knowing Gaia's love, Ancestral Connection, Healing on All Levels, Healing from Plants, Ceremony, Vision Quests.
*Checker Lily ('No Pick' Essence) - Heals your system and helps you feel safe and supported by life. Connects you to the Internal Grid of Earth and the Womb of Gaia. Having your Needs Met.
.5 oz
*Ring of Cedars – Holds deep Wisdom, Helps you to Connect to and Release Anger and Agitation, Reminds you to take time for Stillness, Helps Strengthen you and offers Protection.
*Metal Element – Crystal Matrix/Perseid Meteors – Circulation, Awakens Kundalini and brings Healing to our Energetic and Cellular Body, Energy, Magnetic Energy.
.5 oz
*Pink Plumeria (Hawa'ii) - Self-Love, Knowing and walking in Beauty, Heart Opener, Inner Peace, Trusting in Yourself.
*Monkey Flower - Happiness, Opening more to the Flow of Life, Living a more Joyful Life, Releasing the 'Mask' and revealing who you truly are, Connecting more to Community.
.5 oz
*Lupine ('No Pick' Essence) Opens you to the Cosmos. Empowers you in a balanced way. Carries a loving Masculine Frequency and helps heal any imbalance.
*Penstemon - Helps you to feel more comfortable with who you are and love yourself more, Determination, Heart Reviving and Belief in Self.
*Rose Quartz – Helps with Heart Healing. Having Compassion for yourself and others. Greater Self-Love. The Energy of the Divine Feminine. Helps you to Soften the Edges of Protections that don't Support you. Living from the Heart.
.5 oz