- In Soul Love
In Soul Love
* Black Kyanite – Gateway. Teacher. Bridges Shadow to Light. Portal Keeper. Reveals hidden aspects of yourself yet to be seen and/or acknowledged. Bridge to what you want to remember.
* Self- Heal – Offers softness to soothe our pain of self judgment and criticism. Our physical pain and wounds, our emotional pain of longing and seeking nurture and love. She calms us with her loving presence and helps us heal on every level. Allowing us to cleanse and release unhealthy thoughts and feelings towards ourselves and others. Connects you to your Shadow Self to integrate and heal. Clears Guilt and Heals Abuse, whether personally experienced or within your lineage.
* Buttercup – Helps you to give sweetness to yourself. Gently soothes your nervous system, helps you feel safe and secure.
* Spider Lily (Hawa'ii) – Receiving the purity of the Divine Feminine, Expanding your comfort zone and exploring new interests.
* Flowering Pear - Rebirth, Renewal, Opening to Magical Possibilities, Innocence, Sweetness in Life and Offers Us Sustaining Support.
* Wind Element – Foxglove Flower Essence | Wind – Heart Healing, Physically and Emotionally. Expands Your Heart Chakra for Greater Amounts of Love and Bliss!, Similar Energy to Rose Quartz, but the Energy Moves Up from Heart to Throat.
.5 oz