- Feelin' It
Feelin' It
In the midst of my own intensity, I was inspired to intuit a blend to support all of us sensitive souls. This is perfect support for empaths, tenderness, huge healing transitions, life transitions and feeling the weight of the world...
Water Element – Salmonberry Essence | Salmon River – Nurturing, Healing Energy and Support for our Physical and Emotional bodies. Cleansing, Releasing Emotional Wounds, Evolving, Rebirth, Renewal.
Flowering Pear - Rebirth, Renewal, Opening to Magical Possibilities, Innocence, Sweetness in Life and Offers Us Sustaining Support.
Peridot – Opens Creative Channels and Attunes you to your Potential, helps you to Speak with Clarity, Fertile Energy to Birth Ideas, Projects, Dreams or a Child, Opens Your Voice, Raises Your Vibration.
Lepidolite Mica – Allows the heart to flutter open with hope. Reflects your inner beauty. Gently opens your heart. Compassion for yourself, then you may offer compassion to others.
Fire Element – Fireweed Flower Essence | Pele – Fireweed speaks with the Support of Pele to help you Surrender and Release what you're ready to Heal and Let Go of so you may Allow New Beginnings in your Life. Support to help you Heal your Wounds of the Heart and Open again with Trust. The Medicine of Fire assists you to Create Alchemical Shifts to Transmute your Pain.
Checker Lily ('No Pick' Essence) – She helps you feel safe and supported by life. Can help shift any feelings of jealousy. Cleanses and clears the energetic pathways of the body. Having your needs met. Grounding into Gaia. Connecting to the interal grid of the earth.
St. Johns Wort - Protection, Safety, 3rd Chakra, Cosmic Connection, Blood Purifier, Joy and Comfort.
Flowering Dogwood - Helps you to Clear your Blocks and Resistance to Allow yourself to Open to Receiving, Connecting to 'the Breath of Life' which Reminds Us we're part of the Web of Life, Releasing Grief, Opens our Crown Chakra, Infinite Blessings, Pure Innocence.
.5 oz