- New Earth Blend
New Earth Blend
This blend was downloaded to me shortly after moving to the Appalachian mountains in 2013. These are the oldest mountains on Earth and contain one of the highest diversities of stones (crystals + gems) as well as many vortexes.
This Vibrational Remedy will support all of the influx of higher energies being transmitted, as well as the shifts you're going through.
1. Checker Lily - ('No Pick' Essence) Heals your system and helps you feel safe and supported by life. Connects you to the Internal Grid of Earth and the Womb of Gaia. Having your Needs Met.
2. Barrett's Penstemon - Growth, Removing the Veils, Branching out to a New Paradigm of Love.
3. Phantom Orchid - Opens the Door to Mystery, Helps to Clear Blocks by transmitting a high frequency white healing light, Honoring the Sacred in All Beings and Elements, reconnecting the lost aspects of your soul.
4. 12-21-12 Solstice Blend – (There are a total of 8 singles and blends within this.)
5. Rose Quartz - Helps with Heart Healing. Having Compassion for yourself and others. Greater Self-Love. The Energy of the Divine Feminine. Helps you to Soften the Edges of Protections that don't Support you. Living from the Heart.
6. Black Kyanite - Is a Gatekeeper and Teacher. It bridges Shadow to Light. Portal Keeper. Reveals hidden aspects of yourself yet to be seen and/or acknowledged. Bridge to what you want to remember.
.5 oz