- Herkimer Diamond Vibrational Essence
Herkimer Diamond Vibrational Essence
per item
Such a perfect stone essence to support you right now as we embark upon our Highest Visions for ourselves and the Collective.
She supports you to:
*Magnify your Radiance in All aspects of our life. Particularly if you are stepping out in new ways to Shine your Light and Sacred Gifts.
*Loving Your Imperfections - Your Shadow and Light. Knowing you Are Perfect as You are Now and being Present in the Now.
*Clear Understanding and Insights to make Choices for your Highest Vision. This is a fabulous Stone Essence to take before Visioning and Shamanic Journeys.
*Connecting to your Brilliance and Unique Gifts. Attunes you to your Dreams for your Life. Knowing you are here to share something Unique with the world.
.5 oz