- Self Love
Self Love
Lepidolite Mica - Allows the heart to flutter open with hope. Reflects your inner beauty. Gently opens your heart. Compassion for yourself, then you may offer compassion to others.
Deptford Pink - She helps you to Speak Your Truth, and Stop 'Playing Small'. Encourages Play and your Inner Child to Shine. Helps you to assert boundaries.
Violets – (with Mica) Helps to ease the critical voice we use to speak to ourselves. Supports those who shy away from making close connections and helps you find your tribe + community. Mica offers self reflection and combined with the Violets, offers heartfelt and loving perspective towards ourselves.
Chrysoprase - Supports you by helping you to Trust that you are Being Safely Held and Nurtured and Safe to Trust again, Helps you to Soften your Protective Armour and be Gentle with Yourself and Others.
.5 oz