- Stress Free
Stress Free
1. Wild Rose of Venus This was created during the Venus in Transit. The Energies of Aphrodite/Venus, Quan Yin and Mother Mary came in as I was activating the water for this Essence as well as the celestial occurrence, amplifying the support of Venus.
She Supports you by Encouraging Greater Self Love and Heart Healing. Knowing you are Innocent and helps you Connect with your True Self/Divinity. Helps you connect to and embody the Divine Feminine.
2. Checker Lily - Heals your system and helps you feel safe and supported by life. Connects you to the Internal Grid of Earth and the Womb of Gaia. Having your Needs Met.
3. Fairy Slipper - Infuses a Magical and Regal energy into your being, helps you to move into and in between other Realms, Accessing with permission the Fairy Realm.
4. Columbia Desert Parsley ('No Pick' Essence) Play, Lightness, Surrender, Self Love, Heart and Throat Chakra.
5. Pungent Desert Parsley - Connecting to all that you're grateful for, Heals and clears Abandonment.
6. Birdsfoot Trefoil - Opens your Solar Plexus and helps you to radiate Joy. Living in Prosperity, Inner Strength and knowing your Self-Worth.
7. Buttercup – Helps you to give sweetness to yourself. Gently soothes your nervous system, helps you feel safe and secure.
8. Rose Quartz - Helps with Heart Healing. Having Compassion for yourself and others. Greater Self-Love. The Energy of the Divine Feminine. Helps you to Soften the Edges of Protections that don't Support you. Living from the Heart.
.5 oz